Further training on the job: why it pays off

At a time when the economy is characterised by constant change and technological progress, companies are increasingly confronted with the problem of a shortage of skilled workers. In addition, employees are asking themselves whether they want to give up their current job to learn something new or whether they can continue to develop in their current job. Committing to the same job for a lifetime is hardly conceivable in 2024. All the more reason for employers to offer their employees a wide range of further training opportunities.

Why further training is important

On-the-job training is never an end in itself, but should always have a concrete benefit. There are good reasons for both employees and companies to continuously develop their skills.

Further training enables employees to deepen their specialist knowledge and keep it up to date, thus enhancing their professional development. This is particularly important in rapidly changing industries such as IT or healthcare, where the need for up-to-date specialist knowledge is paramount. Further training not only enhances professional skills but also fosters personal growth. Managers can enhance their leadership abilities, while other employees can hone their communication and conflict resolution skills. Long-term competitiveness is enhanced by companies that invest in the further training of their employees. Well-trained teams are more productive and can adapt more quickly to new challenges.

Why employers should support further training programmes

Despite a decline in the topic of further training in companies in 2022, according to the Austrian Chamber of Labour, more and more employees are taking their further training into their own hands. However, it can be particularly beneficial for employers to promote talent through further training measures. For instance, this can have a positive impact on talent retention.

It is evident that employees who are able to develop further are more satisfied and are more likely to remain with the company for longer periods of time. It is therefore clear that further training programmes represent an important factor in employee retention. However, the topic of innovation can also be positively supported. Companies that are up to date can act more innovatively. Regular training provides employees with the opportunity to contribute fresh ideas and impetus. Finally, further training programmes also contribute to an organisation’s image and employer branding. Those employers who promote further training are perceived as attractive employers. This helps to attract new talent to the company.

How to choose the right training programme

Before taking part in a training programme, employees should ask themselves the following questions:

  1. Why do I want to take part in this programme? What job relevance does the training have in my role?
  2. Which hard and soft skills will be promoted? How can I use the acquired knowledge in my day-to-day work?
  3. What goal do I want to achieve with the help of this programme? What steps are necessary after the training programme to achieve the goal?
  4. The more specific, the better: When applying for further training, you should already know which further training you would like to complete and why. You should also clarify organisational issues such as the timing of the training, the budget and any cost coverage.


Further training on the job is a mutually beneficial arrangement for all parties involved. Further training benefits employees by enabling personal and professional development. It also benefits companies by making them more competitive and enabling them to retain their employees over the long term.

This is not simply a well-known study. In Austria, for instance, the continuing education study is conducted on an annual basis. This provides an annual overview of trends, developments and challenges in the field of continuing education. The Haufe Akademie also references the concept of “time for new paths” in its 2020 forsa study. 

Furthermore, we are focusing on new paths and would like to connect you with each other. We extend a warm invitation to entrepreneurs and talents, visionaries and dreamers, from all corners of the globe.